The story behind the name

I have always loved sea glass because of the beautiful green, blue and brown hues that are made even more breathtaking when they are tossed in the water. I am also drawn to pretty glass bottles, especially those with unique shapes, textures or stories. When we purchased our land, it had lot of garbage where our driveway now sits. Included in this garbage were lots of glass bottles in all different shapes, sizes and colors. As unappealing as this may sound, there have been many beautiful and unique glass bottles found at the property. While we obviously do not want to drive on a green glass road, the road itself was only made possible after lots of green glass was recovered. So therin lies the story behind the name of the Adventures at Green Glass Road.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New adventures in homebuilding

This week brought many adventures at Green Glass Road-some good, and some we could have lived without. First, the good. Although the weather was dreary, the rain held off pretty good until Sunday afternoon. So as you can see, they made a lot of progress getting shingles and fascia up. Keith will be working tomorrow on the roof again, and we are hoping the weather will be decent next weekend so they can finish the shingles. In addition to the shingles, they need to complete the porch roof. They certainly have their work cut out for them in the next couple of weeks!

Now for the bad. On Sunday evening, someone stole the trailer from our building site. Because we are actively looking for it, and encouraging others to do so as well, I have included a couple recent pictures below. If you are in the area, please keep your eyes out for it. We are offering a $500 reward. The main thing to keep in mind is that it has a hydraulic beavertail. While flatbed trailers with wood decking are pretty common in this area, most (or almost none) will have the hydraulic beavertail.

I don't want to end on a sour note, however, as well are still very fortunate to say the least. Overall, building is going very well, and we enjoyed another fun-filled weekend with the kids trimming the tree, and decorating cookies with some friends.

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