The story behind the name

I have always loved sea glass because of the beautiful green, blue and brown hues that are made even more breathtaking when they are tossed in the water. I am also drawn to pretty glass bottles, especially those with unique shapes, textures or stories. When we purchased our land, it had lot of garbage where our driveway now sits. Included in this garbage were lots of glass bottles in all different shapes, sizes and colors. As unappealing as this may sound, there have been many beautiful and unique glass bottles found at the property. While we obviously do not want to drive on a green glass road, the road itself was only made possible after lots of green glass was recovered. So therin lies the story behind the name of the Adventures at Green Glass Road.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Time flies when you are building a house!

I can't believe that I have been blogging about the house for a month already. Time is flying by between working on the house, and making plans for the next steps. Unfortunatly, even while time is flying, housebuilding can sometimes be a two step forward, one step back process. So while Keith made a great deal of progress digging the other footers last weekend, the 13+ inches of rain this week destroyed that work before we could get them finished this weekend. So he had to start all over again on Friday. He finished digging them today with the help of Bob and Stuart (who we also have to thank for cutting a channel through a 4 ft rock with a 5lb hammer to lay the footer). We hope that they will be okay with any rain we might be getting tonight and tomorrow before they are inspected on Tuesday. Please keep your fingers, toes and eyes crossed for us on that one. If that goes well, the additional footers will be poured this week as well as getting the drain tile down, waterproofing the foundation with the tar, and something else that I am forgetting right now, but that we need to have inspected before the foundation slab is poured. Lucky for me, my husband knows what needs to be done and he won't forget :)

In addition to house stuff this weekend, Keith and I took Julia to a wedding in VA on Saturday. It was in the middle of the afternoon, and we figured that no nap+ Catholic wedding would be a very bad combo for Andrew. So he got to stay and get spoiled by Grandma Lorriane and Grandpa Bob. He had a blast playing with them, and we enjoyed ourselves as well. Julia was mezmerized by the fancy dresses, the lights on the dancefloor, and the chocolate strawberries. In the slideshow this week are a couple pictures from the wedding.

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