The story behind the name

I have always loved sea glass because of the beautiful green, blue and brown hues that are made even more breathtaking when they are tossed in the water. I am also drawn to pretty glass bottles, especially those with unique shapes, textures or stories. When we purchased our land, it had lot of garbage where our driveway now sits. Included in this garbage were lots of glass bottles in all different shapes, sizes and colors. As unappealing as this may sound, there have been many beautiful and unique glass bottles found at the property. While we obviously do not want to drive on a green glass road, the road itself was only made possible after lots of green glass was recovered. So therin lies the story behind the name of the Adventures at Green Glass Road.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Block, block...who's there?!

More blockwork was completed this weekend. Enough is finished that you can really start to see the footprint of the house. It looks so different now that you can actually get a perspective on how the house will sit on the lot. In a way, this process has reminded me a lot like raising kids. You appreciate all the steps that go into each milestone, but you also have these moments that are marked with significant differences that just wow you. Just like other projects, you have items that are just as important (like the drain tile, or the waterproofing), but they don't visually make you take notice quite the way all that block and concrete does. The blocklayers will be back on Tuesday to finish the remaining work for the porches. While they worked on the block, Keith and a couple others worked on getting the gravel in the basement to prep for the slab pour. He was also able to get the LVL beams up. Again, very exciting stuff as you start to see things take shape.

While Keith was working on the site all weekend, I took the kiddos to the National Zoo with some friends. Julia had so much fun running around and pretending with her friend Madeline, that I didn't end up taking any pictures at the zoo. Suffice it to say, however, that they both had a great time. Mommy's favorite part was watching the elephant perform for the trainer, but Julia said her favorite part was a the pink flamingos. I think Andrew loved all of it, so much so that he took a nice, long nap afterwards!

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