The story behind the name

I have always loved sea glass because of the beautiful green, blue and brown hues that are made even more breathtaking when they are tossed in the water. I am also drawn to pretty glass bottles, especially those with unique shapes, textures or stories. When we purchased our land, it had lot of garbage where our driveway now sits. Included in this garbage were lots of glass bottles in all different shapes, sizes and colors. As unappealing as this may sound, there have been many beautiful and unique glass bottles found at the property. While we obviously do not want to drive on a green glass road, the road itself was only made possible after lots of green glass was recovered. So therin lies the story behind the name of the Adventures at Green Glass Road.

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

Well, apparently the only thing as exciting as Christmas in our house, is the arrival of a cement truck....

Both the kids stared at the truck for an hour as they poured the driveway pads in the front and back of the garage. Andrew might have stayed there all day if we didn't have to go to school. A great babysitting tool, although a bit expensive!

In other news this week, we had our first snowfall. Although I didn't capture it on camera. Perhaps I was in a bit of denial that we could/would ever have a snowflake this early in the year. In truth, we probably had about 25 flakes fall from the sky here, but it was still a bit disconcerting as I am definitely in Halloween, not Christmas mode.

Speaking of Halloween, the kids had a couple opportunities to wear there costumes this year. The first was at Julia's school on Friday night, and the second was this evening for trick-or-treating. As you can see, Julia was Rapunzel (although the wig was short-lived, and rightly so) and Andrew was a robot.


From 2011-10-30

Julia's school also had a silent auction for scarecrows made by the kid's classrooms. It was a great idea, and the kids loved seeing their scarecrow and other ones. Julia's class had a "Zero the Hero" scarecrow that she is pictured with below. Andrew's favorite scarecrow was the robot.





Lastly, we finally had the opportunity to go as a family to the pumpkin farm nearby. The kids had a blast seeing the animals, going through Casper's Castle, and the small straw maze. At the end, they got to pick out a pumpkin to take home. We may get around to carving them, but since they got to carve pumpkins at Grandma and Grandpa's house during a sleepover last weekend, we are not in much of a rush. They did a great job on those pumpkins, so that might be the end of carving this year!

From 2011-10-30





From 2011-10-30

From 2011-10-30

From 2011-10-30

From 2011-10-30

From 2011-10-30

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

How did it get to be October 24?!!! Seriously, if I didn't know any better, I would think that someone magically removed a month in the calendar. I can't believe that we have already lived in the new house for more than two months.

While things keep moving forward at a fast and furious pace, this weekend I had some flashbacks to similar events that happened around this time last year. The first of these events was our cement pours for the foundation work. I was reminded of that this weekend as Keith was prepping for our front and back garage pads that will be poured tomorrow. The kids were very excited to help daddy do the prep work for this pour.

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I was also reminded of a birthday party we went to last year for one of the kids friends, as we attended her third birthday party on Saturday. Julia and Andrew were in heaven to see some of their close friends who they haven't seen since we moved. They also enjoyed playing around at the gym and eating cake and ice cream!

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We are also getting ready for Halloween. Although every day seems like Halloween since the kids like to play dress-up so often. Here they are modeling some of their favorite superhero outfits.

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And lastly, if nothing else made me remminise about last October, the changing leaves would have been the undenialable evidence that time has passed. In addition to watching the leaves change outside, Julia and I collected some leaves for a class project this week. Unfortunately, neither one of us could stop collecting the leaves. I think we had a pretty good chorus between us of "just one more", as evidenced by our leaves being washed in the sink.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011

Fall is here, and the days are definitely shorter, but still jam packed with things to do. We are looking forward to pumpkin farms, hayrides, and treat-or-treating in the weeks to come.
From 2011-10-17

It is also getting closer to November 15, which is when we are required to have our raingarden installed by for the county. So Keith was busy working on getting that done last week. Now we have a nice assortment of river birch, sweetshrub, holly and several grasses. As you can see, the kids also enjoyed helping and playing outside.
From 2011-10-17

From 2011-10-17

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From 2011-10-17

From 2011-10-17

Inside the house, we are finally have our furniture all in place, and we can sit on something other than beanbags while watching TV (although the kids seem to still prefer the beanbags!)

From 2011-10-17

We are also trying to get our refrigerator squared away. VERY LONG story made short, our third refrigerator will be delivered tomorrow. Fingers crossed that will be the last one delivered her for 20 years.

From 2011-10-17

From 2011-10-17

I have also started assembling my "kitchy kitchen" items. I have always loved vintage kitchen stuff, so I have placed some antique, beat-up items in the space above the pantries.

From 2011-10-17

From 2011-10-17

From 2011-10-17

From 2011-10-17

And lastly, but NOT leastly...we got an offer on our old house this week. We put it on Craigslist on Monday and on Tuesday a family came to see it. After one more visit, they made an offer on Saturday. Providing everything looks okay to our lawyer, we hope to move forward with it and get it sold.

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011

This week I was a slacker when it came time to take pictures of our current home. We have finally finished getting our old house ready for sale, and it is all ready to go. I did have a chance to take a couple videos of the kiddos this week.

The first is a video of Andrew where he talks about the visits he had at school with the firefighter and police officer. Don't worry...they came to see all the kids!

Andrew's Interview

The second is of Julia showing off her counting skills. Something she learned by playing cards with mommy and daddy. Yep, we are training her for Vegas. They won't suspect a thing when they see her sitting at the table!

Julia counting by five

Enjoy! Hopefully next week I will have a more lengthy post about the Adventures at Green Glass Road.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

This week we have lots of photos of the kiddos. Keith was able to take a break from working on the old house to join us at the county fair on Sunday. At 52 degrees, it was the coldest fair I have ever been to in my life! Nevertheless, we had a great time seeing the tractor pull, animals, and trying out some new rides at the fair. The kids rode their very first rollercoaster and I think I can safely say they loved it. At the end of the cold and rainy day, Keith was able to mow our field. He found four turtles in the process, all which survived and one played with the kids for a while. All in all, it was a great weekend!

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

From 2011-10-02

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