The story behind the name

I have always loved sea glass because of the beautiful green, blue and brown hues that are made even more breathtaking when they are tossed in the water. I am also drawn to pretty glass bottles, especially those with unique shapes, textures or stories. When we purchased our land, it had lot of garbage where our driveway now sits. Included in this garbage were lots of glass bottles in all different shapes, sizes and colors. As unappealing as this may sound, there have been many beautiful and unique glass bottles found at the property. While we obviously do not want to drive on a green glass road, the road itself was only made possible after lots of green glass was recovered. So therin lies the story behind the name of the Adventures at Green Glass Road.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A well, drywall and a very happy Easter!

Well, despite several days of rain this week, we were able to move forward leaps and bounds by getting the well installed, and getting drywall up in the house. It sure does look more like a "house" to have actual walls everywhere. Although it does make it more inconvient now that you have to walk through the doors, rather than where ever you wish :)

We had a great time with Grammy and Grampy who were visiting this past week and helping with the house. In between the hard labor they were subjected to, they enjoyed playing with the kiddos, dying 36 Easter eggs, and watching them hunt for the eggs at the new house. Apparently the Easter bunny knows all about our move and found the screened-in porch for the baskets. He also did a very good job hiding the eggs throughout the house, keeping the kids (and their parents) very busy.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Moving right along

They say a pictures is 1000 words, so I am going to keep my words short this week and let the images do the talking.

A lot was accomplished last week including getting all the insulation in the house and passing the inspection. The Hardie fiber cement siding was delivered on Friday and my dad, Keith and Ronnie started putting it up on Sunday. Over the weekend they were also able to start triming the windows on the exterior and hang the celling on the front porch. Today they did a lot of work on the soffits, and the drywall guys started hanging the boards. By the end of the week we will have finished walls, a water well, and more siding. Moving right along. And on that note, I am going to move right along to bed. I told this post would be short :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

We have power!

If we had nothing else in the blog this week, THAT would be noteworthy in and of itself. The power company came out (and we paid them) eight weeks ago. Our electrician thought it would be a week or two. So it was great to finally see the pole in this week and know that Keith can stop lugging the generator back and forth every weekend to the house. We also passed our wall check inspection on Tuesday. This is great news, as it went even more smoothly than we had expected.

Keith spent most of Saturday prepping for the insulation guys to come in this week. We stopped by after Julia's swim class for a quick lunch break and for the kids to do some housekeeping. As you can see from the pictures, they are quite enthuastic about using the hand broom and dustpan. Check back in five years for an updated progress report on whether that is still one of their favorite past time activities!

Sunday Keith and Ronnie got the plywood up in the front and back porches. They also put in the subflooring in the bathrooms and laundry room. We have siding, well, drywall and garage doors all being installed in the next couple of weeks. So stay tuned for lots of progress pictures to come in April!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The house is finished! We are moving in next week.

Belated April Fools :)

We may not be done just yet, but we are still making lots of progress. The week before last, we got all the doors in and Keith boarded-up the garage so that the house is completely secure. Now that the electrical and plumbing are finished on the main floor, we needed to ensure that people didn't have easy access to items that are easily stolen and resold. Keith also mounted a camera on the side of the house for a little extra security. I like how the camaflodge looks against the housewrap! Good thing that we are not trying to actually hide it from anyone.

Last week Keith also framed-up the garage doors, and we picked out which ones we would be using. This past week the plumbing and electrial was finished on the main floor and we passed both of the inspections. Keith worked on sealing the roof valleys and framing the stairwells over the weekend. He also finished parge coat for foundation and the truss bracing. Both of those items were to finish any outstanding work we need to have done before our rough-in framing inspection this week.

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